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Sunday Worship 20240714
First Baptist Church of Pendleton

Sunday Worship 20240714

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Pendleton As we aspire to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, we are Rooted in Faith, and Growing in Love. We endeavor to be a welcoming and affirming community of grace for all people, loving our neighbors because God first loved us. We welcome back Rev. Dr. Julia Goldie Day as our guest preacher today. Julia grew up at FBCP and later served on staff here, most recently as minister to children from 2009-2017. Julia, her husband, Ben, and their three children (Jasper, Barak, and Jillian) live in suburban Memphis, Tennessee. Since moving to Memphis, Julia received a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership from Memphis Theological Seminary. Her current ministry endeavors include painting and writing. You may view her art and read her reflections on her website: July 14, 2024 · 10:45 am · Eighth Sunday after Pentecost The Call to Worship will be "Fill My Cup, Lord." Rev. Chris Cottingham will lead the Passing of the Peace and sing the solo "Take, O Take Me As I Am". The Hymns of Praise will be "Sing a New Church" and "Great Are You, Lord." Dale and Lesa Chandler will read John 4:1-29.  The Offertory Hymn will be "Fairest Lord Jesus." Dale Chandler will give the Offertory Prayer. Richard Reynolds Huss will play "Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness" for the Offertory. Rev. Chris Cottingham and Richard Reynolds Huss will perform a piano/organ duet of "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name." Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Julia Goldie Day will preach the sermon "A Deeper Well." The Hymn of Response will be "The Servant Song."
Rachel's Weeping
The Color of Pain

©2020 Julia Goldie Day

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